User friendly HMI
The user friendly touch screen HMI provides well-structured and easily readable menus, allowing the user to easily adjust pre-set pressure values, change unit settings, and monitor various operations in one central location.
Small but efficient
The U-Series is equipped with an 80 litre tank. It allows a variable flow up to 22 litres per minute, with integrated VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) and a maximum coolant pressure up to 140 bar. Depending on how many coolant-enabled tools are installed on your lathe, your UBV can be configured with 4 or 8 outlets.
Slides under most LNS barfeeders
The U-Series is a compact high pressure coolant system specifically designed to slide under most of the LNS barfeeders in order to save valuable floor space. The U-Series perfectly fits the needs of your sliding headstock machines, whether in left or right configuration.